Help using the Square Online store

After you click to select the Series that you want or to make a Donation, you’ll see a screen showing what you are ordering and the total price. Click minus or plus to change the number of subscriptions (series) that you want, then Select an option (adult, senior or student/child).

Click the blue Attend button to purchase.
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On the next screen, you will see your order appear in the Shopping Cart in the upper right (in this case, 2 x 5-Concert Full Series).

You can click on Shop Now to buy additional items such as a Student series, as shown below, or a Donation which will be added to the Shopping Cart.
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When you’ve added all your items, click the Shopping Cart icon in the upper right to confirm your purchase items.

If something is there by mistake, you click the Trash Can to delete the item or click the minus or plus to change the number.

Then click Continue to cart.
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On the next screen, add a coupon code if applicable (ONLINE for online only tickets or BREAK if you need a discount). Then click Continue to payment.

Fill in the required name and contact information as well as your credit card information, confirm your coupon code is showing (add it again if necessary) and click Place order.

Phew! You’ve ordered your tickets. You can contact Ken to confirm your reserved seats and concert choices (if you are not buying a Full Series).
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If you like, just contact Ken at 519-993-7591 or [email protected] to order tickets, confirm concert choices and reserve seats.

You can pay by e-transfer to [email protected] (which saves me the service fee).

You can also order by phone by calling Ken at 519-993-7591

Send an email describing what series or single tickets you would like, indicating adult, senior, etc., and confirm your reserved seat to [email protected]

Cheques are payable to Guelph Musicfest
521 Kortright Rd W, Guelph N1G 3R5

INTERAC E-TRANSFERS to [email protected]

Guelph Musicfest 2025 is grateful for the continuing generous support of an
Anonymous Donor
as well as the contributions of many individual supporters

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